We think our products are pretty good but you don’t need to take our word for it, here’s what our American friends say about them
Australia’s most popular water tank gauge.
Also available in AS2304:2019 Fire Rated version for Fire Tanks
Simple pulley and counterweight system with free hanging indicator beside the tank. Australia’s most popular gauge – since its birth in 1985, more than 80,000 Levetators continue to faithfully indicate water level on all types of tanks throughout the world.
How it Works
Highly Visible
The bright aluminium indicator with its red band can be seen from afar, more than 100 meters. According to our customers in Australia’s remote outback the indicator can be seen from a plane or helicopter while doing their regular observations of cattle, fences, windmills and water troughs. Even better is the night time visibility thanks to the highly reflective red band.
True Reading
Unlike homemade water level gauges that read back to front, the Levetator shows the actual water level. What you see is what you have.
No gimmicks, no batteries, just a simple float/weight/pulley system.
Easy to Install
All necessary items (template, instructions and fixings) are provided to make it easy for the handyman to mount the Levetator on the tank roof.
Year in, year out, the Levetator water level gauge provides reliable service thanks to quality materials and large, free-running pulleys.
Levetator in Action
The weighted float and indicator are connected to the counterweight by separate cords, each cord running over a pair of pulleys. When the float is half-immersed everything is balanced.
Rising liquid level lifts the float up, the counterweight moves down, and the indicator keeps pace with the float.
Falling liquid levels causes the weighted float to pull the counterweight up, and again, the indicator keeps pace with the float.
At all times the indicator matches the liquid level exactly.
Why choose Levetator?
Our first level indicator, introduced in 1985, is still very popular after all these years. It’s the cheapest and easiest to install; suitable for water tanks but not for many chemicals because the stainless-steel counterweight and operating cable is immersed inside the tank. True reading, the indicator matches the water level exactly.
The Levetator is also approved for contact with drinking water to AS/NZS4020:2018
Yaktek Products